Something To Say

TRUST... never trust someone 100%. coz, they're the one who will stab u at the back. trust them only 50% n keep another 50% for ur self so tht u will not cry on the next day.

You dont have to follow others to be popular and to be loved, because you are loved for what you are.

Nak masuk syurga, KENAL ALLAH SWT dulu.
Ibaratkan tetamu datang rumah. Kalau tuan rumah tak kenal tetamu tu, ingat dia nak bagi masuk ke???

If you feel you hate me, better if you just stay away from me. Don't be a hypocrite. Coz I'm being my own self. Thank you.


Monday, January 14, 2013

First Impression

Assalamualaikum warahmatullah hiwabarakatuh

First impression is very important. VERY. VERY IMPORTANT. Aku tau dia serius. Aku pun nak get this over with. Dah banyak kali terlintas kat fikiran nak introduce kat parents but I just don’t have the courage and trust. And now, I think that is a good decision. One day, aku tidur dari tengah hari sampai kul 3. Lepas Asar, aku check phone. Wow, seven miscall. Semua dari Zharif lain time. Aku charge phone kat bilik and mumy buat assignment dalam bilik. Aku amik phone dan call dia balik. Petangnya mumy Tanya siapa Zharif. Aku punya security lock kat phone dah hancur. I mean, dah keluar emergency call only. Maksudnya ada orang try bukak my lock dan tak berjaya. Bila tak berjaya, dia akan directkan ke security question. Dari situ aku dah boleh agak.

“Who’s Zharif?”
“A friend. Very close.”
“Study kat mana?”
“Tak study.”
“Kerja apa?”
Moment of silence… creek creek creek
“Tak tau.”
“Kalau rapat tak kan tak tau?”
“Kerja apa?”
“Kat SP.”
“Kerja apa?”
“He’s going to China this 14 for his shop and…” aku tak rasa mumy dengar this part coz I was mumbling.
“Kak, mumy tak suka akak kawan dengan orang yang dah kerja.”

See? This thing is happening over and over again!!!!!!!!! And I am SOOOO fed-up with this craps! Dulu kata boleh couple and then marah bila mamat tu ber’sayang’-‘sayang’. Now, kata mumy tak kisah siapa asalkan jaga agama, solat tak tinggal. Kenapa? Orang yang tak study ni tak ada agama ke? Aku rasa macam nak mengamuk je cakap dengan mumy, “He’s the one who changed me! You should be thanking him!”. Aku percaya rezeki tu daripada Allah. And kalau my studies are ok, so tak ada benda nak risau. What’s wrong with someone who doesn’t have a cert? Oh, I know… It’s like the education system around the world. Intelligence people are the one who have certificate even though their attitude is bad. In Islamic contextual, an intelligence person are a person with knowledge in Islam, fardhu ain, fardhu kifayah PLUS good attitude, soleh/solehah. So I am guessing, she’s referring to the world’s definition of intelligent. I got this info from my CTU (Islamic Education) class. Yeah, thank you Ustazah Mar.

Dulu mumy tanya, “Apa yang buat akak berubah?”. Aku just diam. “Coz I feel like changing?”. Dari dulu, memang terasa nak berubah. Tapi hati tak tergerak pun. Tapi bila pertengahan form 4, dia buat aku rasa rendah diri. I HAVE CHANGED AT THAT TIME. Tapi tak cukup bagus. Solat lewat waktu, rasa malas, hati tak ikhlas, nak cepat habiskan solat. Bila dia muncul dalam kamus hidup aku, dia buat aku rasa rendah diri dan malu. Siapalah aku ni… Ceteknya ilmu aku. Allah nak ke terima taubat aku kalau macam tu? Berubah, tapi hati tak ikhlas. Mumy tak tau, selama aku dengan Zharif, banyak benda aku belajar. Ijeen (roommate sem 1) pun cakap, “Kau tau, hari tu Zharif cerita pasal Nabi Adam… Tapi kan, apa yang dia cerita tu, lain dari apa yang kita dengar. Dia belajar dari ustad yang mengajar kat sekolah pondok. Eh, nanti exam CTU dah nak dekat, suruh Zharif cerita pasal Ad-Din dengan Islam lah…”. Dan baru aku tau, stage-stage yang kene lalui masa semua manusia dikumpulkan di padang mahsyar. Pasal telaga untuk penghuni syurga dan macam-macam lagi.

Seriously, nak tinggalkan lelaki macam ni untuk someone yang ade certificate? Seriously? That is really a big mistake.

Kalau aku tinggalkan Zharif, aku perempuan bodoh lah. Aku perempuan paling rugi. There’s a quote, “Don’t ever leave someone to get a better one.” Coz there will be no better one.