TRUST... never trust someone 100%. coz, they're the one who will stab u at the back. trust them only 50% n keep another 50% for ur self so tht u will not cry on the next day.
You dont have to follow others to be popular and to be loved, because you are loved for what you are.
Nak masuk syurga, KENAL ALLAH SWT dulu. Ibaratkan tetamu datang rumah. Kalau tuan rumah tak kenal tetamu tu, ingat dia nak bagi masuk ke???
If you feel you hate me, better if you just stay away from me. Don't be a hypocrite. Coz I'm being my own self. Thank you.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
He's So Sweet!
aku x tau kenapa but i really like this one guy... suke dia sgt2... muke dia sweet gila! ntah? aku suka sgt la... masa mula2 tengok dia, dia x hensem pun. tapi bila dah lama2 eh, muka dia ni nmpk mcm sweet lah pulak. kan? ahakz... hahaha... aku suke guyz yg kulit die cm ni. x ske putih2... hehe... dia ni juz nice je... aku suke. sweet plak tu.. cair dowh aku tgk mamat ni. haish... dulu Zac Partician, skng Bruno Mars lah pulak... hak2...
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