Something To Say

TRUST... never trust someone 100%. coz, they're the one who will stab u at the back. trust them only 50% n keep another 50% for ur self so tht u will not cry on the next day.

You dont have to follow others to be popular and to be loved, because you are loved for what you are.

Nak masuk syurga, KENAL ALLAH SWT dulu.
Ibaratkan tetamu datang rumah. Kalau tuan rumah tak kenal tetamu tu, ingat dia nak bagi masuk ke???

If you feel you hate me, better if you just stay away from me. Don't be a hypocrite. Coz I'm being my own self. Thank you.


Friday, October 22, 2010

Stories About Them 1

-a very good listener
-but i cant be with her 24 hours
-aku juz jadikan dia tmpt luahkan perasaan
-i always cry on her shoulder
-and she always let me
-she makes me laugh
-she makes me feel happy
-she's my close fren
-but not best fren
-i dont want her to be
-tkut jadi mcm Nisa
-in fact i dont want to be too close woth everyone
-Nia sesuai dijadikan tmpt luah perasaan n bergelak ketawa bila tgh sedih
-i like her so much
-sometimes she looks so cute!

Shanba-very happy go lucky girl
-always happy
-i admire her
-she can fit in with everyone
-peramah sgt2
-pandai pujuk
-sbb tu aku ske ngis lame2 sbb dia pndi pjuk n makes me laugh even tough i was not suppose to laugh coz im crying... haha
-prnh sekali, aku tgh tahan nak ngis dlm class, dia ckp, jgn tahan, let it out
-aku pegi toilet n let it all out until i feel better, thnks Shanba
-you also makes me laugh like hell
-hahaha... you're so cute n funny
-really admire you
-kdg2 u bagi i flying kiss, i sambut n gave you back mine, it was sweet... yes, i dah rsa.. hehe
-thnks for lightening up my days...

Aten-pun mcm Shanba
-best borak dgn dia
-mesti rsa mcm nak gelak guling2 kat tnh
-haha.. especially bila dia cerita psal her bf
-she always imagining things such as big nose, what happen if that big nose got a heavy flu? hahaha... apa lah... i still remember it until now, lgi dia kata mcm mna la nak korek hidung pun kene genggam satu tgn pun bleh masuk. ewww... hahaha
-i also admire her
-she's so sweet!
-i like the way she talks with her own style, so cute n sweet!
-she's not pretty but she's very sweet, very...

Dayah-x hbis2 dgn perkatan 'over btul', 'ckup lah', n 'thn skit'...
-dia ske ckp mcm tu klau aku prasan lebih2 n bila aku gelak terbahak2 mengusik dia...
-dia akn pndg aku slack n ckp, 'ckup Nad, thn sikit ok... over plak dia...'
-hahaha... truly im gonna miss that

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